1 Weighted Average Costs Of Capital
Accounting: WACCУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > Weighted Average Costs Of Capital
2 соотношения (напр .: Relativities between direct and indirect costs of capital raising are summarised by Saunders, Palia, and Kim)
General subject: relativitiesУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > соотношения (напр .: Relativities between direct and indirect costs of capital raising are summarised by Saunders, Palia, and Kim)
3 capital
adj.1 supreme (importante).2 main (principal).3 deadly (religion) (pecado).4 principal, main, capital.f.capital.m.1 capital (economics & finance).capital circulante/fijo/social working/fixed/share capitalcapital líquido liquid assetscapital bajo riesgo sum at riskcapital de riesgo venture capital, risk capitalcapital social share capital2 capital city, chief city, capital, chief town.3 principal, total assets, assets, capital sum.* * *► adjetivo1 (principal) capital, principal, main, chief2 (relativo a la pérdida de la cabeza) deadly, capital■ un pecado capital a deadly sin, a cardinal sin3 (ciudad) capital1 FINANZAS capital1 capital, chief town\capital activo working capitalcapital inicial capitalcapital líquido net capitalcapital social share capitalcapital de provincia county town, US county seat* * *1. adj.1) main, chief, key2) capital2. noun f.* * *1. ADJ1) (=clave) [nombre, personaje] key; [rasgo] mainesta pregunta es de importancia capital — this question is of paramount o cardinal o capital importance
esto tuvo una importancia capital en su vida — this was of paramount o cardinal importance in his life
los puntos capitales de su discurso — the cardinal o main points of her speech
2) (=mortal)3) LAm2.SM (Econ) [de empresa] capital; [de persona] capital, moneycapital en acciones — share capital, equity capital
capital extranjero, la entrada de capital extranjero — the inflow of foreign capital
han vendido la empresa al capital extranjero — they have sold the company to foreign capital o investors
capital riesgo — risk capital, venture capital
3. SF1) [de país] capital (city); [de provincia] main city, provincial capitalPraga, la capital europea de la cerveza — Prague, the beer capital of Europe
2) (Tip) decorated initial capital* * *Iadjetivo < importancia> cardinal, prime; < influencia> seminal (frml); < obra> key, seminal (frml); < letra> capitalII1) (Com, Fin) capital2) (recursos, riqueza) resources (pl)III1)a) ( de país) capital; ( de provincia) provincial capital, ≈ county seat ( in US), ≈ county town ( in UK)b) ( centro) capital2) ( letra) capital* * *Iadjetivo < importancia> cardinal, prime; < influencia> seminal (frml); < obra> key, seminal (frml); < letra> capitalII1) (Com, Fin) capital2) (recursos, riqueza) resources (pl)III1)a) ( de país) capital; ( de provincia) provincial capital, ≈ county seat ( in US), ≈ county town ( in UK)b) ( centro) capital2) ( letra) capital* * *capital11 = capital city, capital.Nota: Ciudad.Ex: The capital city of London has some major general bookshops and a number of specialist bookshops which are virtually national suppliers.
Ex: For this purpose, press and information offices have been established in the capitals of the ten member countries.* capital de la nación = nation-state capital.* capital del estado = nation-state capital, state capital.* capital de provincia = provincial capital.* capital estatal = state capital.capital22 = assets, capital.Nota: Dinero.Ex: Those eligible normally include only companies with less than 45 million of net fixed assets and fewer than 500 employees.
Ex: Repayments is normally by equal half-yearly payments of capital and interest after a moratorium on capital repayments of up to five years, depending on project completion date.* capital activo = working capital.* capital cognitivo = knowledge assets.* capital cultural = cultural asset.* capital de riesgo = venture capital.* capital desembolsado = paid-up capital.* capital digital = digital assets.* capital económico = financial capital.* capital en obligaciones = debenture capital, debenture stock.* capital fijo = fixed capital.* capital físico = physical capital.* capital humano = human capital.* capital iniciador = seeding money, seed money.* capital intelectual = intellectual capital.* capitalista que presta capital de riesgo = venture capitalist.* capital social = social capital.* desembolso de capital = capital outlay.* flujo de capital = capital flow.* gastos de capital = capital costs, capital investment, capital expenditure.* inmovilizar capital = tie up + capital.* intereses del capital = capital charges.* inversión de capital = capital costs, capital investment, capital expenditure.* invertir capital = sink + capital.* mercado de capitales = financial market, capital market.* pagar capital = repay + capital.* suma de capital = capital sum.capital33 = pivotal.Ex: His position was pivotal because he was not only the organizer but also the financier and indeed the speculator of the book trade.
* de capital importancia = momentous, of cardinal importance.* * *aportó el 40% del capital she put up 40% of the capitalCompuestos:circulating o working capitalissued capitalfixed capitalfloating o current assets (pl)nominal capitalpaid-in o paid-up capitalrisk o venture capitalshare capitalB (recursos, riqueza) resources (pl)1 (de país) capital; (de provincia) provincial capital, ≈ county seat ( in US), ≈ county town ( in UK)¿eres de Valencia capital? are you from the city of Valencia o from Valencia itself o from Valencia proper?2 (centro) capitalla capital del vino the wine capital* * *
capital adjetivo ‹ importancia› cardinal, prime;
‹ influencia› seminal (frml);
‹ obra› key, seminal (frml)
■ sustantivo masculinoa) (Com, Fin) capital
■ sustantivo femenino ( de país) capital;
( de provincia) provincial capital, ≈ county seat ( in US), ≈ county town ( in UK);
I sustantivo femenino capital: la orquesta tocará en las principales capitales europeas, the orchestra will play in all the main European capitals
II sustantivo masculino Fin capital
capital activo/social, working/share capital
III adjetivo capital, main
pena capital, capital punishment
' capital' also found in these entries:
- caudal
- ciudad
- inmovilizar
- mayúscula
- plusvalía
- provincia
- retener
- retención
- social
- versal
- versalita
- villa
- ampliación
- ampliar
- antiguo
- capitalino
- divisa
- doblar
- fuga
- ganancia
- inmediaciones
- invertir
- mayúsculo
- México
- Panamá
- pecado
- pena
- sangría
- capital
- capital gains tax
- capital punishment
- capital reserves
- district
- drain
- equity
- injection
- major
- movement
- opposed
- principal
- share capital
- tie up
- up
- working capital
- against
- big
- caps
- flow
- inject
- put
* * *♦ adj1. [importante] supreme, prime;[error] serious, grave;es de capital importancia que vengan it is of prime o the utmost importance that they come;una obra capital de la literatura universal one of the great works of world literature2. [pecado] deadly♦ nmEcon capital;el capital público/privado public/private capital;he invertido un pequeño capital en el negocio de mi hermano I've invested a small sum in my brother's business;el capital y los trabajadores Capital and Labourcapital activo active capital;capital circulante working capital;capital disponible available capital;capital escriturado share capital, US capital stock;capital especulativo hot money;capital fijo fixed capital;capital flotante floating capital;Am capitales golondrina = speculative capital invested internationally wherever the highest returns are available;capital humano human capital;capital inicial starting capital;capital inmovilizado tied-up capital;capital intelectual intellectual capital;capital invertido capital invested;capital líquido liquid assets;capital productivo active capital;capital (de) riesgo private equity;[para empresas en desarrollo] venture capital, risk capital;entidad de capital riesgo private equity firm;capital social share capital, US capital stock;capital suscrito subscribed capital♦ nf1. [de país, región] capital (city);soy de Teruel capital I'm from the city of Teruel2. [centro] capital;París es la capital mundial del arte Paris is the artistic capital of the worldcapital europea de la cultura European city of culture* * *I adj importancia prime;pena capital capital punishment* * *capital adj1) : capital2) : chief, principalcapital nm: capitalcapital de riesgo: venture capitalcapital nf: capital, capital city* * *capital n capital -
4 capital consumption
Finin a given period, the total depreciation of a national economy’s fixed assets based on replacement costs -
5 capital flotation costs
расходы по привлечению капитала (по эмиссии акций, облигаций и т. п.)Англо-русский словарь промышленной и научной лексики > capital flotation costs
6 capital costs
Finexpenses on the purchase of fixed assets -
7 desembolso de capital
(n.) = capital outlayEx. Space requirements are less and capital outlay is considerably less, though this is offset by the higher maintenance costs.* * *(n.) = capital outlayEx: Space requirements are less and capital outlay is considerably less, though this is offset by the higher maintenance costs.
8 costos de capital
• capital costs -
9 gastos de capital
(n.) = capital costs, capital investment, capital expenditureEx. There is unfortunately a great tendency to try and reduce capital costs when planning a building and at the same time totally forget the annual energy costs.Ex. As the quantity increased the printer's capital investment, which was always alarmingly high, rose with it, and his profit as a percentage of investment fell.Ex. When considered as capital expenditure, the true costs of book purchases are substantially greater than librarians have commonly imagined.* * *(n.) = capital costs, capital investment, capital expenditureEx: There is unfortunately a great tendency to try and reduce capital costs when planning a building and at the same time totally forget the annual energy costs.
Ex: As the quantity increased the printer's capital investment, which was always alarmingly high, rose with it, and his profit as a percentage of investment fell.Ex: When considered as capital expenditure, the true costs of book purchases are substantially greater than librarians have commonly imagined. -
10 inversión de capital
(n.) = capital costs, capital investment, capital expenditureEx. There is unfortunately a great tendency to try and reduce capital costs when planning a building and at the same time totally forget the annual energy costs.Ex. As the quantity increased the printer's capital investment, which was always alarmingly high, rose with it, and his profit as a percentage of investment fell.Ex. When considered as capital expenditure, the true costs of book purchases are substantially greater than librarians have commonly imagined.* * *(n.) = capital costs, capital investment, capital expenditureEx: There is unfortunately a great tendency to try and reduce capital costs when planning a building and at the same time totally forget the annual energy costs.
Ex: As the quantity increased the printer's capital investment, which was always alarmingly high, rose with it, and his profit as a percentage of investment fell.Ex: When considered as capital expenditure, the true costs of book purchases are substantially greater than librarians have commonly imagined. -
11 post-purchase costs
Fincosts incurred after a capital expenditure decision has been implemented and facilities acquired. These costs may include training, maintenance, and the cost of upgrades. -
12 startup costs
Finthe initial sum required to establish a business or to get a project underway. The costs will include the capital expenditure and related expenses before the business or project generates revenue. -
13 downstream capital costs index
oil&gas: DCCIУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > downstream capital costs index
14 upstream capital costs index
oil&gas: UCCIУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > upstream capital costs index
15 pääomakustannukset
capital costs (noun)capital outlay (noun)* * *• capital costs• capital cost• capital outlay -
16 kostnad
cost, expenceallmänna omkostnader; overhead costsanläggningskostnad; capital cost, installation costanskaffningskostnad; initial costarbetskostnad; cost of labor, labor costsbyggnadskostnad; construction costdriftskostnad; working cost, operating expence, operating costdriftskostnader; running costsfasta kostnader; fixed costskapitalkostnad; capital costlagringskostnad; storage expencelönekostnad; wage costproduktionskostnad; production costreparationskostnad; reconditioning costs, repair and costs, repairing costunderhållskostnad; maintenance costutvinningskostnad; cost of mining -
17 Kapitalkosten
Kapitalkosten pl FIN, WIWI cost of capital, capital cost, cost of funds, cost of outside funds, cost of borrowed funds, capital charges (1. statische Kostenvergleichsrechnung: Kapitalkosten = durchschnittliche Abschreibungen + durchschnittliche Zinsen p.a.; 2. Kapitalkosten im EVA-Konzept: Kosten des produktiv eingesetzten Eigen- und Fremdkapitals = Kapital x Gesamtkapitalkostensatz, der aus dem Kapitalmarkt als risikoadjustierter Zinssatz hergeleitet wird; EVA = NOPAT - Kapitalkosten; the cost of capital comprises interest, dividend and repayments)* * *pl <Finanz, Vw> capital costs* * *Kapitalkosten
capital expenditure (cost), (Emission) underwriting costs -
18 Investitionskosten
Investitionskosten pl 1. GEN up-front cost; 2. WIWI capital costs* * *pl 1. < Geschäft> up-front cost; 2. <Vw> capital costs* * *Investitionskosten
capital expense (charge), investment charges (expense) -
19 Investitionskosten
20 предельные затраты на капитал
Economy: marginal cost of capital (связанные с привлечением дополнительного капитала), marginal costs of capital (связанные с привлечением дополнительного капитала)Универсальный русско-английский словарь > предельные затраты на капитал
См. также в других словарях:
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Capital gains tax in Australia — Capital Gains Tax (CGT) in Australia applies to the capital gain made on disposal of any asset, except for specific exemptions. The most significant exemption is the family home. Rollover provisions apply to some disposals, one of the most… … Wikipedia
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Capital, Volume I — is the first of three volumes in Karl Marx s monumental work, Das Kapital, and the only volume to be published during his lifetime. Originally published in 1867, Marx s aim in Capital, Volume I is to uncover and explain the laws specific to the… … Wikipedia
Capital, Volume II — Capital , Volume 2, subtitled The Process of Circulation of Capital was prepared by Friedrich Engels from notes left by Karl Marx and published in 1893. It is divided into three parts [cite book|title=Capital Vol2.|isbn=0 7178 0483… … Wikipedia
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Capital Account Convertibility — or CAC is a monetary policy that centers around the ability to conduct transactions of local financial assets into foreign financial assets freely and at market determined exchange rates. [ [http://inhome.rediff.com/money/2006/sep/04faq.htm FAQ:… … Wikipedia
capital expenditures — USA capital expenditures, Also known as capex. Expenses incurred in acquiring, repairing or improving physical assets (equipment, property, plants), including acquiring assets pursuant to a capital lease, restoring or adapting property to a new… … Law dictionary
capital expenditure — capital costs; = capital investment; = investment costs; = investment expenditure The expenditure by an organization of an appreciable sum for the purchase or improvement of a fixed asset; the amount expended would warrant the item being… … Accounting dictionary
capital expenditure — capital costs; capital investment; investment costs; investment expenditure The expenditure by an organization of a significant amount for the purchase or improvement of a fixed asset; the amount expended would warrant the item being depreciated… … Big dictionary of business and management
Capital Pride (Washington) — Capital Pride is an annual LGBT pride festival held in early June each year in Washington, D.C. As of 2007, the festival was planned and produced by Whitman Walker Clinic, and is the fourth largest gay pride event in the United States.Chandler,… … Wikipedia